Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Organic (the best way to be)

Organic eating is truly the way to go.  Perhaps that's hard to believe, but if you look at all the statistics, I believe you'd change your mind just the way I did.  

Here lately, I've really gotten into food.  I've always been intrigued with eating healthy and living healthier.  I am quite the hippie for those who don't truly know me.  I'm all about going green and reducing my carbon footprint in any way possible.  I enjoy researching new ways to better the environment in any way... and of course better myself at the same time.

At some point my boyfriend and I started doing a lot of research on the best way to eat.  We looked into everything from being Vegetarian to Vegan to... well everything, but the best way we found was to Eat Clean!  With eating clean, you are eating food in it's purest form, Organic foods are best!  

Did you know that Dairy Cows are fed and injected with an overabundance of vitamins and hormones?  Sure feeding cows (that feed us), vitamins seems like a good idea, but too many vitamins can kill you... ever read the warning label on vitamins?  How about these hormones they feed the cows?  Any woman who has given birth knows that at some point the milk dries up... well think about that the next time you buy a gallon.  Non-Organic dairy farms feed their cows hormones to keep them producing milk.  Know how the news and doctors are always warning women that are pregnant to be weary what they put into their bodies because it goes straight to their unborn or nursing child... get the idea?  The things they are injecting and feeding to these cows are coming directly to us the consumer who is like the nursing infant, if you will.

So why is Organic food more expensive if it's all natural?  It takes more cows to produce the same amount of product if they aren't being fed these unhealthy chemicals.  Plus... there is the money game behind everything.  You can literally find a guy in a suit behind any product these days... a guy who most likely doesn't truly care about the product further than it making him more and more money.  Ok, so eating organic may be a little more expensive, but think of all the money you will save in doctor bills for unexplained pains or cramps or other unexplainable illnesses, even the most common colds could be attributed to not eating healthy or maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  

Now that you may be convinced to drink organic milk... time for me to bring up the fact that most of the things we eat, especially for breakfast contain eggs... Know what an egg is?  An egg (gross as it may seem) is a chickens menstrual cycle.  (Yes I am totally evil snickering at the thought of readers gasping at that.)  But realistically, it is true.  So... why do you think chickens lay so many eggs?  More unnatural hormones maybe? And what about if we feed chickens genetically altered food to help them produce a "vitamin enriched" egg?  Well... needless to say the best way to eat eggs is from cage free, natural fed chickens who aren't fed anything other than maybe a corn or maze meal (I grew up on a farm, if I know anything it is chickens).  :)

Ok, now that we've covered dairy products and eggs, let's move on to another breakfast favorite... Sausage?  Bacon, anyone?  Yep, even pork can be tainted.  :(  Just think of how you get a pig to grow bigger, faster... hormones, steroids?  Just saying... you may want to rethink that entire plate of food you are feeding not only yourself but your children.  

Not just Cows, Chickens, and Pigs... think about the bigger picture.  Anything you eat can and possibly has been altered in some way to help someone somewhere make more money by producing a bigger, "better" product in a faster time period and in mass quantities for mass distribution.  

So, now we realize that eating organic doesn't just mean eating more fruits and veggies... however Organic fruits and veggies are also better because the growing of them doesn't involve any chemicals or pesticides.  If pesticides can kill bugs (and birds), just imagine what they could be doing to your digestive tract.  :(  

Convinced?  How about some fun facts:

  • According to Science News, 80 percent of all U.S. feedlot cattle are injected with hormones.
  • A study of cows treated with melengestrol acetate (one of the artificial growth hormones approved for use in the U.S.) revealed that residues of this hormone were traceable in soil up to 195 days after being administered to the animals.
  • While the average dairy cow produced almost 5,300 pounds of milk a year in 1950, today, a typical cow produces more than 18,000 pounds. 
  • It is estimated that about 672 million birds are affected by large amount of pesticides used on US agricultural farms and 10% of these are killed due to these pesticides.
  • More than 20,000 pesticides are registered for use in the United States. About 75% of the chemicals, some 2.2 billion pounds annually, are used on more than 900,000 US farms at an annual cost of about $8.3 billion, according to the Pesticide Action Network. Pesticide sales have increased more than 2,700% since 1962 and US users now account for one-third of the world pesticide market.
  • NBC News recently reported that 9000 people die each year in the US due to food related illness. Our exposure to man-made chemicals in the food we eat is suspected of being a major factor in today's increased risk to cancer.

If everyone started eating Organic foods only, then maybe all the producers would start switching their practices and we probably wouldn't have to worry so much about the price of Organic eating being more expensive anymore.  

Eating healthy is obviously a good move regardless your age, now you know.  Don't believe me, research it.  Think about it.

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