Wednesday, February 10, 2010

You be the Judge: Stalking?

Here's how I'm going to write this, I have some messages from myspace and facebook to add to this post.  I'll edit only the personal details to save the embarrassment and identity of everyone involved.  I'll add in my own comments after I have posted the string of messages.  I'm going to attempt a different font to verify who says what.  Ohh... or maybe a different text color.

Is this ******* from City, State?

You know my name is not nor has it ever been *******.  But yes, I am the girl from City... thankfully I got the hell outta there as quickly as I could.  {At this point, I was unsure if I wanted to speak to him again and annoyed that he made a joke about my name, like he used to in school.}

Well ****** I hear that, I live in City now but plan on moving shortly to State.  So how have you been?  How did you end up in State?  Any kids? Married?  Well if you don't know I have two girls 8 and 7, have been with their mother for 10 years, and we're finally getting married Saturday. My god I'm glad I found you on this thing for many years I've been wanting to apologize for anything I've ever done wrong to you, so I'm sorry I know that would mean more if this was face to face, but I've always dream of running into you some where and you were always mad at me for something, from what I can recall you were always a good friend to me, and I'm sorry.
 If I could I would like to add you as a friend on here. Well ****** I really look foward to hearing from you. Take care

It's a nice thought, you apologizing to me.  Sadly you don't know what you're apologizing for, just apologizing that I was mad at you.  So I guess it doesn't truly count then.  But whatever, I'm over the past.  I could care less about it or any of the people involved in it.  I've moved on with my life.  I've grown up and become a better person than I was then.

Perhaps it's just me being cynical, but what reason would you and I have for being electronic friends?  I never thought of us as being "close", like friends... I just always assumed the only relationship between the two of us was based on sex.  We did that and there was nothing left to do or talk about after.  So what's changed?  Except that I have no want or need to ever have sex with you now.  {Honesty, what can I say?}

Lots of  laughs ******, first of all I remember before we were anything we were friends first. I apologize for basically the way in which I treated you, you most of didn't deserve it, I treated you as nothing more than a sex object. I put our friendship second to having sex, and once again I'm sorry.  Well I'm truly sorry that you don't care for the people in your past, as for me I couldn't be more thankful of all the people in my past as they have stimulated my growth, just like you said your a better person therefore our past shouldn't even matter. Secondly I don't think you can call what we did as sex, so it really doesn't count.  And perhaps your right maybe there is no reason for us to be friends, to tell you the truth I don't even remember why I looked you up I guess I didn't expect to find you so easily a few months ago I ran into a phone number with your number on it a City number of couse it had been disconnected, but it made me reminisce I guess, and pondered what path you've taken in life, by contacting I didn't mean to infringe on your life, I was just reaching out.  Well enough said... take care ******

By now, I truly thought he got the idea and did not reply.  Plus I was a little freaked out that he admitted to trying to contact me by phone rather than electronically.  So I just left it at this... then today I received another message, this one on facebook.

Look ******, whats in the past is in the past, I thought that enough time has past that we could at least be friends, but if your still haboring old feelings then I'm gonna leave you alone. I dont want anything from you except to be friends. Why should the past even come up? I've grown up, moved on, and changed as I'm sure you have. I dont have a reason for contacting you except to say hi, hows your life been? If anything I have to give credit where credit is due because of you I am the man that I am today, so Thank You. I don't believe that we can't be friends based on our past. The last thing that you said to me on myspace was so way out of context that I coundn't think of a response. I say the hell with our past ****** because it doesn't matter. So I'll say this, if your mad then I'm sorry, if you dont response to this I understand and its fine by me. I'm not trying to fix what happened I guess all this time I've just been wanting to thank you. So once again thanks and have a nice life. Bye

So perhaps this is the best time to admit that this is not the first time that he and I have been in contact since high school.  When I was newly married he sent me an e-mail and only wanted to be friends then.  I fell for it.  Before I got through two "catching up" e-mails, he was once again trying to "ignite the old flames" and was completely and totally hitting on me, asking more or less for a one night stand, mind you he already had kids by then and was in a serious committed relationship according to him.  

So I keep thinking what has changed?  Seriously?  This guy is a douche (my opinion).  I want nothing to do with him and he obviously can't get the point.  I've told him numerous times that I want nothing to do with him and yet he still claims it's only to be friends... but why?  What's the purpose of being friends when we have nothing to discuss, nothing in common but a past?  

Here's my question:  If this guy continues to say he just wants to be friends and I continue to tell him I don't wish to be friends with him at all, never... yet he still insists, is he stalking me, all be it electronically?  What is his dire need to become friends?  We haven't spoken to (minus the electronic correspondences) each other in over ten years, something like thirteen years probably and to me that is completely fine.  I have nothing to say to him.  Why doesn't he get that?  

I accept his apology, yet he was always the charmer and then turned into the sex driven asshole only after you believed in the charm.  I fell for his shit before and I refuse to do so again.  How do I convince him to leave me alone once and for all?

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