Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reminder: Start living up to your end of the deal, yo!

     I was kindly reminded today that perhaps I should blog more often.  To be honest, this blog gets put on the back burner a lot.  Shame on me.  *Sad Face*

     This blog post will be very random, as I am certainly feeling very 'random' myself.  Maybe 'out of sorts' is the term that would best fit, but then I would have to say that I'm not sure I ever felt 'in sorts' either.  

     I have been somewhat the busy Bee lately.  I am now a college student.  Yes, it's official, my hottness has increased x10.  ;)  I've been writing tons more poetry than usual.  I've started another project where I am writing a blog as a Southern Belle from the 1800's... however I'm reluctant to post the link, because well... I'm just not sure how that's going to pan out right now.  I started it as a literary experiment and I'm thinking I should just drop the idea, but for some reason it felt nice, like a better form of Halloween Costume.

     In case it takes me forever to post something new, maybe some of my favorite blogs could keep you busy in the meantime.  :)  Enjoy!

http://theskepticalatheist.wordpress.com  (This blog is serious, but still very enjoyable to me.  I probably have a crush.)
http://thebloggess.com/  (Her humor can make the worst of my days seem like a cake walk, love reading this blog!)
http://itsblogworthy.blogspot.com/  (Mostly because her stories remind me of the days I lived in Florida, and often funny as well.)



  1. If you're not comfortable under the guise of a Southern Belle perhaps you should consider auditioning for a part in a play.

    You've got nothing to lose (except for time) and I have a feeling landing a role should serve to scratch the same itch.

    That, AND you wouldn't have to come up with a character all by yourself. Just a thought..

  2. Thank you for the comment.

    Sadly I have a great fear of public speaking and it's worsened by not 'acting' myself in front of others. Perhaps it's a deep rooted sense of lying being wrong?

    I believe I am just not cut out to be an actress, however I am still hoping to someday define myself as a novelist. I just have to find the writing that suits me.

    Very good suggestion; if I should ever find myself feeling really brave, I shall give it a try.
