Sunday, November 21, 2010

State of the World

Safe to say, I'm concerned.

This is a time in my life when I feel like I am constantly searching for intellectual stimulation.  Honestly, how can anyone ever be too smart?  I find myself reading everything, including ingredients on packaging.  Did you know that most Glucosamine (the vitamin supplement) is derived from shell fish, which means a lot of people are actually allergic to it?!  Yeah... so let me re-emphasize just how I feel that no one can be too smart.

Currently I am a full-time student and part-time employee.  I am working my rear off, and in the minimal down times that I find, I am still trying to stimulate my brain.  I hate not having something to keep me busy and something means educational.  I am currently reading two novels (I would be reading more, but thought it best to pace myself).  I also have three blogs of my own that I keep somewhat updated (yeah more than this one, but spare me).

So what I'm trying to say thus far is that I find it difficult to believe that there are people out there who are content with what they currently know and have no intention of picking up a book or even trying to expand their knowledge of anything.  Today I got the impression that America is certainly going to be the place where the zombie apocalypse takes place, and it's going to be of their own doing.  I'm almost ashamed to think of how other countries view Americans these days.

My word to the people is this:  If you don't start using your brains, you may as well be zombie food, or zombies yourselves.  Because honestly, what is the point of living without experiencing everything life has to offer?

The reason my thinking went this way today of all days, is because someone at work was raving about how excited they were that Paris Hilton is writing a book.  Then someone mentioned "I doubt she has ever read a book, she's probably having someone else write it for her."  The point of their story about Paris Hilton just got me to thinking about it all and I wanted to cry.  Paris Hilton is already famous, no one needs her to become more famous or make any more money off her stupidity, but here she goes.  Great.

Then I started thinking about how right now the most popular shows on television (even though I only know from hearing my college co-eds crack jokes about them) are shows like Jersey Shore and something called 'The Real Housewives'.  Are you kidding me?  Reality is the hottest thing on television, I can somewhat wrap my mind around that, however, in these particular reality shows there is no challenge to survive or outwit, actually it seems like the point of television these days is just the opposite of 'wit'.  It seems like Americans are becoming dumber by the programed hour.  I'm sad about it, but thankful that I don't have cable.

To be honest, my television preferences stopped at CSI, Bones, or Law & Order.  I enjoy watching shows where I can learn something, shows that are based on reality without the ignorance of reality that I have to deal with in person on a day to day basis.  This rant just brings me back to my teenage years and makes me wonder what ever happened to really smart shows, even teen dramas like Dawson's Creek were so much better than the pathetic shows produced today.

Again, I'm saddened and worried at where this dumbing down of our nation could possibly be heading.  I only hope that something changes soon.  

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