Women, find ways in which you can make the boring good guy come out of his shell. Good guys can become some of the best lovers. Men, if you are the good guy... loosen up. She's going to like you more if you are just yourself, even if you think being yourself means being boring. She may be into boring, and you will never know until you go out on that limb.
Now, what's the psychology of wanting a "bad boy"? Doctors of all types have said that a woman's attraction to the bad guy is a "daddy issue" being redirected in the form of her seeking what she went through in her youth, with men being the dominating jerks of her childhood, it's a never-ending cycle. I disagree.
In my opinion, a woman seeking a bad boy is just that. It's a woman seeking some sense of adventure in her life. Just because a guy is labeled a "bad boy" doesn't necessarily mean he has to be a jerk. Find the middle road. The perfect guy is a little bad, but loving nonetheless. The perfect guy will have an adventurous side, will be able to knock your socks off in bed and out. This guy, may not be able to expose all his feelings openly, but when they are there you will know it.
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