Shouldn't we people, try our hardest to maintain a level of good health regardless of circumstances? Shouldn't we try to not end up at a friend or relatives funeral with regrets of how we've lived our lives up to that very moment?
Which suddenly reminds me of the arguments I have regarding religion. I'm very disappointed in the "suddenly Christians" who wait until the very last moments on their figurative deathbeds to repent and ask for forgiveness. Why not follow the clear path to the place you'd like to be all along? Why wait?
Is our nation plagued by procrastination so badly that we can't even think about where we want to end up in the afterlife before we are one toe in?
My rant, in a nutshell is this, think. Think, plan and then act, and do so before something tragic has to jolt you into living. Don't forget to think that anything is possible.