Friday, August 31, 2012

Political Theories

I don't know that I consider myself one side or another in the political debate.  I like to think I keep an open mind and view both sides as equally greedy puppets used by the other people in the world that are pulling the strings.  I believe the strings get pulled by the people who have money.  It's unfortunate, but it does truly seem that it is those who have the money that make the rules/laws in this day and age.

Again, staying honest and open in my writing I will admit that back in 2008 I listened to Obama and all his speaking prowess and I fell in love with his ideas and promises.  Four years later, he hasn't done much of what he promised but I understand that a Midwestern boy with big ideas being pulled by the corporate strings, may not be able to do everything even he dreamed of.  So I allow the slide on a lot of the issues he mentioned in his campaign.  But should I? 

Jump ahead to now and we have a Republican Mormon running against him.  My first thoughts are "this is interesting".  When was the last time that we had a President, let alone a candidate from another religion other than 'Christianity'?  Hmmn... JFK?  Well, if memory serves me right (from History classes) the people were outraged that a man who believed something else would be President of them, of their country.  I recall teachers telling us for years that there were people in the days of the cold war that worried that the Pope would be the one calling the shots in office. 
Then mysteriously that poor Catholic man ended up dead, shot in the head by one mysterious bullet fired from a mysterious distance with a sad excuse for a weapon (by all accounts I have heard in History classes), there are plenty of theories of second shooters and set-ups.  Was this a coincidence that the first President from another religion was assassinated?

Now, let's just say that Mitt Romney and his magic underwear win the Presidency.  How long do we suspect the Puppet Masters will allow someone from another religion to have the reins?  What if, Romney gets wind of some suspicious activities that may end up being the end of him?  Let's just say that he goes to the Church and informs the Elders of his concerns that his life will be shortly ended by our corrupted government.  Now, if they wait it out and Romney does meet his demise, then the Mormon Church will have reason to believe that it was people in or controlling the government and then? 

The Mormon Church is actually rather large on it's own.  There are a large number of people who are Mormon and a lot of those people are in positions of power and importance.  What if, the Mormon Church rises up against or even exposes the corruption within the government?  What if they go to war with the Puppet Masters?  What if exposure causes everyone to really look closely at all the suspicious activity that has gone on in government for years going virtually unnoticed?  What if...?  What if, indeed. 

I may not be Republican, but some part of me is eager to see how it may unravel if Romney wins this election not because I believe in his views on any thing (at all) but because I believe it's time this corruption of our system came to an end.  I am so tired of hearing about all the greed that consumes our politicians on a daily basis.  I am so upset that corporations are controlling the way we lead our lives.  I would love with every thread of my being to get a President that could tackle the issue of affordable, renewable and effective energy for all, but with the oil companies in control of the entire world and no one fighting back... it feels as though all is lost presently.  Romney may be able to shake things up a bit, even if it is by being a martyr. 

I haven't made up my decision as to if I will be voting this November or not.  I do mostly just want to be able to sit back and watch.  But I think some part of me worries about the future too much to not put in my opinion.  I will most likely be voting for the Midwestern Boy to win again and hope that he has some ability to stand up for himself and get some things done right this time around.  We shall see.  Either way, no matter who wins, I am sure we are in for quite the show in the next 4 years. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011


     Although I'm still considerably young, I've had my go with love.  I've been through a lot when it really comes down to it.  I've had some great relationships; I've had some that were just miserable.  I have literally had relationships that nearly killed me (a couple actually, sadly).

     I've learned a lot about myself through the men I've dated, but I've also learned a lot about men in general.  I've learned first and foremost that the better a man treats me, the more memorable he becomes.  The kindest men are always the ones I fall for the hardest.  Getting over a guy who treats you like a Prince is seriously a tough job.  No matter if the Prince turns into a frog or not, just the fact that he was a Prince at one time is the part that sticks in your mind and tugs at your heart strings.

     Valentines' day is coming up soon and suddenly I find myself thinking back to all the men in my life and remembering all the good times.  Mostly being thankful that those times are gone, but there are a few men whom come to mind in a pleasant light, some I even miss from time to time and wonder where the current of life has carried them.

     That being said, this came to mind as the perfect time for song:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


     In talking to my boyfriend about switching jobs, I mention an opening at a place advertising for help.
"Well, what would you be doing"?  He asks.
"It's a phone job, so easy money basically and it's close to home."  I reply.
"Wait, a phone job, remember what happened the last time you had a phone job?  You got a stalker and things ended badly."

Oh yeah...
     Our friend and neighbor whom overheard the conversation said "wait, what? A stalker?"  Yeah, long story.
It just goes to remind me that I've had a few of them and I'm sure I'll probably have a few more in my lifetime.  People are strange in a general sense.  Some people hold on to things they really shouldn't and don't hold on to the things they should.  In this case, Sanity is one of the things people SHOULD hold on to.

     In the past, I was stalked by an ex-boyfriend for breaking up with him.  I wasn't even the first woman to ever break up with him and being completely honest he had to have seen it coming.  I was miserable in that relationship and did everything in my power to get out of it before actually finding the courage to break it off.
     I've also been stalked by ex-girlfriends of guys who I was seeing.  This really makes me feel sad.  When you get into a relationship, you don't really have any true way of knowing what happened in that person's past and you quite honestly have to take their word for it, but some girls hold on to men who really aren't worth it. Trust me, they never are worth stalking someone.  Besides, the guys don't find it flattering (at least not the sane ones) they find it terrifying or crazy.  Just saying.

     At one of my previous jobs, there was an incident where a co-worker had to be escorted off the grounds for making threats.  He was crazy.  There is no way around that.  Who says in an open office area that they will bring a gun in and shoot everyone?  Yeah, weird.  So the case that my boyfriend was referring to was just a very strange occurrence that I'm sure rarely ever happens.  Anyways, to further include why I was especially concerned about this guy is because he pointed out a group that included me and accused us of laughing at him (completely not the case at all, we hadn't even noticed him in the room).  He apparently decided to target my work group due to his suspicions about our laughter that day.  Weirdo.  I only hope that he eventually got the help he needed.

     I suppose that stalking people is one of those "animal" type instincts that people have, but I wonder about it a lot.  What pushes someones buttons enough to actually take time out of their day to track someone down or follow them?  Why would someone do such horrible things to someone else?  If your life is miserable, don't blame someone else, change it.  Do something other than stalk someone, because not only is it illegal it's just weird and creepy.  No one likes a stalker, just saying.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Television Programming Isn't What It Used To Be

When I was younger, my sister and I used to watch this show called Captain Planet.  I am serious.  Remember this guy?
     From what I remember the show was about saving the planet, quite literally from "bad guys" who pollute and try to destroy the land/air/water.  Grr!  It was all bad ass or was, when I was younger.  Then I got to thinking that perhaps it was shows like this that inspired me to be the type of person I am today.  The person who writes a blog (as infrequent as it is) about recycling and saving the planet from "bad things" like pollution and evil gas guzzling cars.  :)

     Then I got to thinking that perhaps the world or "planet" would be a much better place if television programming were similar to what it used to be.  Why did they stop showing Captain Planet?  What if they revamped the character and made it more in the "now"?  Wouldn't that be a great thing?  I think so.  I'm all for a rebirth of Captain Planet or at least something similar to help people grow up with the responsible mentality to take care of the planet together, rather than putting it on other people or just not worrying about it at all.

     We should share the responsibilities of cleaning this place up, it'll make the job seem a lot easier if we all work together.  

Think about it.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

State of the World

Safe to say, I'm concerned.

This is a time in my life when I feel like I am constantly searching for intellectual stimulation.  Honestly, how can anyone ever be too smart?  I find myself reading everything, including ingredients on packaging.  Did you know that most Glucosamine (the vitamin supplement) is derived from shell fish, which means a lot of people are actually allergic to it?!  Yeah... so let me re-emphasize just how I feel that no one can be too smart.

Currently I am a full-time student and part-time employee.  I am working my rear off, and in the minimal down times that I find, I am still trying to stimulate my brain.  I hate not having something to keep me busy and something means educational.  I am currently reading two novels (I would be reading more, but thought it best to pace myself).  I also have three blogs of my own that I keep somewhat updated (yeah more than this one, but spare me).

So what I'm trying to say thus far is that I find it difficult to believe that there are people out there who are content with what they currently know and have no intention of picking up a book or even trying to expand their knowledge of anything.  Today I got the impression that America is certainly going to be the place where the zombie apocalypse takes place, and it's going to be of their own doing.  I'm almost ashamed to think of how other countries view Americans these days.

My word to the people is this:  If you don't start using your brains, you may as well be zombie food, or zombies yourselves.  Because honestly, what is the point of living without experiencing everything life has to offer?

The reason my thinking went this way today of all days, is because someone at work was raving about how excited they were that Paris Hilton is writing a book.  Then someone mentioned "I doubt she has ever read a book, she's probably having someone else write it for her."  The point of their story about Paris Hilton just got me to thinking about it all and I wanted to cry.  Paris Hilton is already famous, no one needs her to become more famous or make any more money off her stupidity, but here she goes.  Great.

Then I started thinking about how right now the most popular shows on television (even though I only know from hearing my college co-eds crack jokes about them) are shows like Jersey Shore and something called 'The Real Housewives'.  Are you kidding me?  Reality is the hottest thing on television, I can somewhat wrap my mind around that, however, in these particular reality shows there is no challenge to survive or outwit, actually it seems like the point of television these days is just the opposite of 'wit'.  It seems like Americans are becoming dumber by the programed hour.  I'm sad about it, but thankful that I don't have cable.

To be honest, my television preferences stopped at CSI, Bones, or Law & Order.  I enjoy watching shows where I can learn something, shows that are based on reality without the ignorance of reality that I have to deal with in person on a day to day basis.  This rant just brings me back to my teenage years and makes me wonder what ever happened to really smart shows, even teen dramas like Dawson's Creek were so much better than the pathetic shows produced today.

Again, I'm saddened and worried at where this dumbing down of our nation could possibly be heading.  I only hope that something changes soon.  

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Is this Recyclable?

     I grew up on a farm.  I'm sure I've mentioned that in my blog before.  When I was younger, on the farm, my family was already recycling.  My mother (one year) saved the tv guides (when they were small magazine-like books) and then had my sister and I help her dog ear all the pages including front and back cover to mid-page then she took them outside and sprayed them down with green paint to make our own decorations for Christmas (in case you can't imagine, they looked like Christmas Trees).  It's at least one form of recycling and a fun family project as well.

     My parents also saved egg cartons.  We were never in short supply of egg cartons and re-used them when we would gather eggs from our very own chickens.  We also used egg cartons for other things as well, like Barbie shoe closets or paper clip separators.  My mother was always coming up with clever ideas of how to use things like that for arts & crafts.  In some ways, I'm jealous of all the ideas she came up with over the years.

     This post is about recycling, so how about I try to stay on topic.  :)  I cooked breakfast the other day and after using up the last two eggs in the carton, I tossed it into the recycle bin.  My boyfriend comes along and says "Honey, I'm sorry to tell you this, but this is not recyclable."  He took the carton out of our bin and threw it into the garbage and my heart sank.  I know he's correct, I know that there are certain things that while I believe they are or should be recyclable, simply just are not.  It really does break my heart.  I would much rather throw everything into the recycle bin and tell the people at the recycling place to "figure out a way to make it recyclable"!  But sadly that is not an option.

     I do believe, that given time more and more things will become recyclable.  I already know that I've been re-using things around the house more and more to keep from having as much garbage.  For example, an old water container with a spout is now my tea pitcher.  I use it to make sun tea.  Jars and other containers have found themselves cut in half and used as planters in the garden.  Even a cardboard drinking cup that has that fancy waxy coating has become a little planter for small items.  Lately I've also been purchasing more and more foods that come in reusable containers because it's nice to have them around and not have to feel bad about all the waste that I'm causing with the purchase of my food.

     Finally, an interesting photo to go along with the theme of this post.  Because I sincerely cannot wait for the day when EVERYTHING is recyclable, but for now... at least the list is longer than when I was a child.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


     I recall a conversation we had when I first met him about toothbrushes.  My Aunt is a dentist, so I've grown up being repeatedly reprimanded about my personal oral health care.  Imagine seeing someone you are related to at Christmas time and the first thing you hear is "Say AHHH!"  Yes, that is what she was like.  She's a great woman, don't get me wrong.  She joined the Air Force Reserve to pay her way through college and she's making fine money at a job she loves (how she could love smelling other peoples' breath all day is beyond me).  The best part of having her as a relative is what it taught me.  

     I remember being really nervous about seeing her around the holidays (and if she ever reads this, I hope she understands it wasn't her personally, it was the dental check up that I would get nervous about).  I remember trying to figure out every way possible to make my teeth look their best before our visits.  And because children NEVER have the best oral health practices (hello candy), it was tough but the older I got the easier it became and the smarter I became as well.  (Of course I'm drinking coffee as I type this, but we'll try to skip past that tiny tid-bit of information).  Haha

     Did you know that you are supposed to change your toothbrush every 2 to 3 months?  According to the American Dental Association toothbrushes become worn out and can of course contain and hold germs (obviously).  After each use, you should rinse your toothbrush out with HOT water in an attempt to kill said germs.  Should you get sick (we're talking flu symptoms minus the icky details) you should throw your toothbrush out immediately after you are finished feeling icky because you can make yourself ill again by re-using the same toothbrush, believe it or not!  

     Basically you are probably going to realize that just like any other personal hygiene habits, good oral care will cost you some money in the long run but it's completely worth it to have a beautiful smile and your own teeth when you turn 80.  (Because ask anyone who has dentures, they are NOT comfortable!)

     Now the GREAT news!  Did you know that there is a company that makes recyclable toothbrushes?  Yay Preserve!  I was actually reading an article in Rachel Ray's magazine when I saw this brilliant idea pop out at me from one of the pages.  Wow, what a great idea!  
     So I did just a little research, because I believe half the fun is finding out for yourself.  (How else would you learn if I just told you everything?)  This toothbrush is amazing, but not as amazing as the idea behind it.  It's made from already recycled yogurt cups and they package them in a returnable bag, so you can seal up the toothbrush when you are done and ship it back to the company to be re-recycled.  Wow, Amazing!

     I've been recycling toothbrushes the old fashioned way for years.  I always tend to keep one or two old toothbrushes around for use in household chores, such as spot treating my clothes pre-wash or for use cleaning the tiny in-between spaces on the bathroom fixtures.  (Be sure to boil your old toothbrushes before reusing them for other household chores, to clean them.)  Truth be told, there are many ways in which we can reduce, reuse and recycle everything in our day to day lives.

Think about it.