Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The death syndrome

Does anyone else notice that when someone dies, people start to re-evaluate their own lives? One person passes away (for example) from a serious infection at the ripe young age of 40ish, and suddenly everyone close to the deceased starts thinking "I knew them, the same thing could probably happen to me". (Insert freaking out here.)

Shouldn't we people, try our hardest to maintain a level of good health regardless of circumstances? Shouldn't we try to not end up at a friend or relatives funeral with regrets of how we've lived our lives up to that very moment?

Which suddenly reminds me of the arguments I have regarding religion. I'm very disappointed in the "suddenly Christians" who wait until the very last moments on their figurative deathbeds to repent and ask for forgiveness. Why not follow the clear path to the place you'd like to be all along? Why wait?

Is our nation plagued by procrastination so badly that we can't even think about where we want to end up in the afterlife before we are one toe in?

My rant, in a nutshell is this, think. Think, plan and then act, and do so before something tragic has to jolt you into living. Don't forget to think that anything is possible.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Debut Post - The Bad Boy

Why is it that women are attracted to the "bad boy" types? This question has plagued both sides of the sexes for years. The good guy is always left out in the cold, wondering why he is always losing the girl to a guy who he thinks is a complete jerk. The woman is always wondering why guys are complete jerks and yet finds the good guys completely boring. What is the resolution to this major problem of the sexes?

Women, find ways in which you can make the boring good guy come out of his shell. Good guys can become some of the best lovers. Men, if you are the good guy... loosen up. She's going to like you more if you are just yourself, even if you think being yourself means being boring. She may be into boring, and you will never know until you go out on that limb.

Now, what's the psychology of wanting a "bad boy"? Doctors of all types have said that a woman's attraction to the bad guy is a "daddy issue" being redirected in the form of her seeking what she went through in her youth, with men being the dominating jerks of her childhood, it's a never-ending cycle. I disagree.

In my opinion, a woman seeking a bad boy is just that. It's a woman seeking some sense of adventure in her life. Just because a guy is labeled a "bad boy" doesn't necessarily mean he has to be a jerk. Find the middle road. The perfect guy is a little bad, but loving nonetheless. The perfect guy will have an adventurous side, will be able to knock your socks off in bed and out. This guy, may not be able to expose all his feelings openly, but when they are there you will know it.